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Online NASM Exam Workshop



How is your NASM studying going?


Did you buy an education package from NASM to become a certified personal trainer? Well congratulations! You made a great choice.


The NASM CPT is hands-down the best certification on the market and is preferred by more employers than any other.


However, the problem is the information in this certification is not easy. Postural assessments? Overactive and underactive muscles? OPT Model phases of training? Integrated program design? There are a lot of complex principles in the NASM textbook. Believe us, you are not alone if you are having trouble understanding these concepts.

Unfortunately though, knowing you are not alone on test day will not help you pass. You need to actually understand these concepts and be prepared to answer quite a few questions on them.

You need to be prepared on test day


Online and home study programs are not for everyone. Most people learn better and stay more focused in a live classroom setting. If you have questions about the information in the NASM text, it's unlikely that you are getting any direct feedback on what you are learning.


The reality is that most people DO NOT go into the NASM CPT Exam feeling confident because they are not properly prepared. They don't understand the format of the exam and they don't know the topics and questions that have the highest probability of showing up on the test. They never get their questions answered and they never have anyone to ask for help.


The sad result of all this is the majority of people who purchase self-study packages from NASM don't pass their exams.

Your NASM CPT Exam Solution

Our NASM Exam Prep Workshop is 100% focused on getting you ready for the CPT exam. It's a 4-hour remote class held over the Internet that is LIVE and INTERACTIVE. We are an approved NASM Academic Provider and specialize in teaching NASM's training methods. Basically, we are South Florida's NASM experts.

During the 4 hour workshop, we cover the concepts and questions that have the highest probability of showing up on the test. We explain the most complicated concepts in a way that is understandable and applicable to the exam and your client's workouts. 


What will be covered?

  • Postural assessments including the Overhead Squat Assessment

  • Muscle imbalances

  • Overactive/underactive muscles

  • Important anatomy and physiology

  • Proper exercise selection within the OPT Model

  • Integrated program design using the OPT Model

  • Exercise progressions/regressions and execution

  • Exam structure and test taking tips

  • Plus other topics with high probabilities of being tested...

  • Handouts of all presentation slides will be provided


Your Cost: $60      

*please note price does NOT include NASM study materials or CPT exam voucher         


Register now and CRUSH your CPT Exam!                     

NASM Exam Prep Workshop

Online Exam Prep Workshop

4-hour online workshop 100% focused on helping you pass the NASM CPT exam.

Check back soon for our next scheduled workshop

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Fitness Class

"With you, students are in the BEST hands. The way you transmit your knowledge is just incredible!"

Pat A., NASM-CPT, Edu-Fit student

"Hi Mark! I wanted to let you know that I passed the NASM-CPT exam! Thank you for the workshop! It was a great day of learning!"

Jennifer A., NASM-CPT, Workshop Attendee

"I just wanted to reach out and say thanks a million for all your help breaking down the information. Because of you I will be able to educate and help tons of people, impacting the world in a positive way. Definitely a ripple effect!"

Kevin R., NASM-CPT, Edu-Fit student

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