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Am I guaranteed to pass the NASM Certification Exam with this course?While we cannot guarantee you will pass the exam, we can say that about 90% of EDU-FIT students pass their CPT exam on the first try. In the event that you purchase our complete course and do not pass the exam, we will provide for one complimentary exam retake as long as you completed the minimum course requirements.
Do I need to have a CPR certification to take the course?While you do not need to be CPR certified to take the course, a CPR certification will be required to sit for the NASM Certification Exam. We offer a CPR class to our students at the end of the course to fullfill this requirement for $60.
Are there any prerequisites to take the course?The only requirement for the course is that you must be at least 18 years old upon sitting for the NASM Certification exam.
How soon do I need to enroll in the course?Classes fill up quickly, so don't wait too long! As long as there are spots available, you can register for the course until the end of the first week of class.
Can I purchase the course for someone else?Yes. Just enter your billing information on the registration page to complete the transaction. We will contact you to confirm the name, email, and mailing address of the person enrolling in the course.
Do I need a PayPal account to pay for the course?A PayPal account is not required to pay for the course. We accept all major credit cards, cash, and personal checks. Here is how to pay with a credit card: Click the "Buy Now" button, In the webpage that appears, click the link that says "Pay with a credit or debit card." Enter your credit card and billing info and click "Pay."
Do I have to pay for the whole program all at once?We do offer payment plan options. You can finance the cost of the program over 6 months with no interest using PayPal's "PayPal Credit" option. Contact us directly to apply for payment options. Other payment options are available for those who do not qualify for PayPal Credit.
What happens after I register and pay for the program?Once we receive confirmation of your payment, we will contact you with more information about course orientaion using the contact information provded at checkout.
What should I expect on the first day of class?The first day of class is an orientation session. During orientation, you will meet the instructor and your classmates, get introduced to the format of the course, fill out final paperwork, and ask any questions you still have. The orientation class does not count as one of the 8 in-person classes and will last about one hour.
Can I sit in on a class to see what it is like?Sure! Just contact us to schedule a visit.
Will I have fun?Absolutely! We always have a good time during class. Our classes include a lot of hands-on instruction and the instructors know how to make the information fun and understandable.
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